Zapustenia [TruePvE|AU|BNE]
Server up?
| Wipe
| Zapusten
Just PvE, no PvP. Be nice.
How to find the server
Be patient, it can sometimes take a minute for your game to load the list of servers.
Server mods include:
- auto-doors Automatically close doors.
- backpacks Extra persistent backpack space!
- blueprint-manager Admin manage player blueprints
- building-grades Admin mass up/downgrade building structure
- crafting-controller Faster crafting.
- daynight-gather Much better gathering at night.
- death-notes Kills broadcast to everyone.
- entity-owner Admin change ownership of building.
- eternal-plants Farming plants no longer disintegrate.
- gather-manager More from harvesting.
- gui-announcements Announcing things like heli, player joins etc.
- ingame-clock-gui Displays in-game time and server time.
- night-zombies They only come out at night.
- no-fuel-requirements Free lamps, furnaces, etc. (Not vehicles)
- no-workbench Crafting does not require workbench.
- nteleportation Limited teleports.
- permissions-manager Admin edit user/group permissions.
- player-location Admin where is Caused2?
- recycler-teleport Teleport to random recycler.
- remover-tool Oops - remove what you put down.
- smooth-restarter Regular server restart.
- spawn-heli Spawns a helicopter on command.
- stack-size-controller Increase inventory stack size.
- true-pve Player vs Environment enforcement.
- vanish Admin clean up.
- vehicle-decay-protection Delay decay.
- welcome-messages A message when you join the server.
- wood-swap Instantly /burn your inventory wood to charcoal.
Modular Cars: 0.1x decay damage while under a roof
All Boats and Submarines, except Tug Boats: no decay damage while under a roof
Hot Air Balloons: no decay damage while under a roof (wtf?)
Snowmobiles and Tomahas: no decay damage while under a roof
Steam Check
You need to have a public profile to join the server. You need a couple games that you have played in your full Steam account.
Smooth restarter
Rust restarts 4:32am (+10UT/AEST) every day. The Rust server seems to slow down over time, but restarting fixes. Users will be warned 5 minutes prior to the scheduled restart with a count down from one minute prior to restart.
Recommended bindings:
Open your console (F1) and type following:
bind z duck;attack
bind p forward;sprint
bind equals forward;sprint
bind o
If you like to hide the HUD temporarily for pics:
bind k "graphics.hud 1"
bind l "graphics.hud 0"
Once you have performed the bindings above, the o key will open/close your extra backpack. The backpack is persistent. This means if you die, the contents of the backpack will respawn with you. When the server wipes, you get to keep everything in your backpack when you join Rust after the wipe! Contents in your extra backpack cannot be used for crafting, they have to first be moved to your main inventory.
Commands vary by level
As a user you will be assigned a level:
Default, Known, VIP, Admin
backpacks (4 rows) A persistent (keep on death/wipe) extra backpack!
/recycler Teleport to a random recycler.
/outpost Teleport to the outpost.
/burn Convert your inventory wood to charcoal.
backpacks (8 rows)
/remove Remove your walls, objects etc.
If you start your own farm and do everything right ... the plants won't mysteriously die after going through the ripe stage.
nteleportation (2 homes, 10 teleports/day)
/home add tpname Set a teleport location (your base).
/home tpname Teleport to a set location.
/home list List your set teleport locations.
/bandit Teleport to the bandit camp.
/outpost Teleport to the outpost.
backpacks (8 rows)
nteleportation (10 homes, 20 teleports/day)
/home add tpname Set a teleport location (your base).
/home tpname Teleport to a set location.
/home list List your set teleport locations.
/bandit Teleport to the bandit camp.
/outpost Teleport to the outpost.
/tpr playername Request player if OK to teleport next to them.
/tpa Accept request from another player to teleport to you.
/mymini /myheli /myattack Spawn a new heli.
/fmini /fheli /fattack Fetch the heli to your current location.
Server blog
Brief notes on server alterations:
2024-11-10 Solved invulnerable wolves bug - TruePVE update
2024-09-07 Rust server upgrade
i7-11800H, 16G RAM, 256G SSD, (PASSMARK 20484 / 3077)
2024-09-06 Rust update breaks oxide :(
2023-02-12 fixed night zombie drops: body part + spooky item.
2023-02-12 update one week decay on horses, cars, copters, balloons, boats, submarines. Build a hitch & trough for your horses!
2023-02-10 subdomain!
2023-02-09 subdomain!
2023-01-24 Rust server upgraded to newer old laptop
i7-7700HQ, 16G RAM, 256G SSD, (PASSMARK 6960 / 2071)
2022-12-29 Rust server upgrade
i7-6700HQ, 16G RAM, 256G SSD, (PASSMARK 6521 / 1913)
Note: multi-core performance for a Rust server is a waste as the Rust server only uses a single core ... unless you wanted to run multiple servers.
Double igniter with secondary delay
Features: * Radio transmitter to start fireworks. * Timer circuit to prevent an igniter going off until the timer runs out.
Created with Rustrician. Notes: RF Receiver provides power only for the duration of the button being held down on the RF Transmitter - cannot toggle a Switch but turns Switch on for duration of press. Memory Cell has toggle that allows/disables power flow on the toggle power, so RF Receiver out to Memory Cell toggle enables power flow, another press disables. Power from a single Electrical Branch cannot be used on Timer for both power-in and toggle-on for some reason. XOR Switch and Blocker seem to offer the same functionality except in circuits where either source might be the active power. Electrical Branch always "uses" power for the branch. Splitter will only supply a third of the power to each output.